Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept. 27/10 3 mth follow up with Dr. Weiss (GI Specialist)

Same old, same old today.

Dr. Weiss ( my biggest fan and specialist since day 1), says my eye whites are looking good-meaning not very yellow, considering my bilirubin levels are in the 90's. (Bilirubin is the brownish yellow substance found in bile. It's produced when the liver breaks down old red blood cells and then is excreted through stool.)
However, in my case, my liver is quite damaged and does not perform these normal duties as it should so it tends to circulate and remain in my body. When bilirubin levels are high, like in my case, my skin and whites of the eyes will appear yellow. If they persist to go higher, I will develop jaundice.
He says I'm looking well, considering!

He's ordered a Gastroscopy for Jan. 2011 sometime. This procedure is like many I've had before. A camera will be inserted through a long tube down my esophagus to my stomach to see if any of the varices( tiny veins) have become inflated. If they are, I will need a procedure called Banding. This is where they band off any veins that could rupture and cause internal bleeding.
I had this exact procedure when I was 3mths pregnant with Gage- as the pressure from an ever growing fetus in a woman with my condition could potentially cause tiny veins to rupture. Luckily gor Gage and I, this did not happen!

This past week has been a very draining one. I have felt nauseous, light headed, and physically exhausted. It doesn't help that there is a rambunctious, whiny, stubborn yet sweet 3 yr. old at my ankles 24/
But how can I blame him, it's not his fault mommy is tired and needs her butt physically glued to the couch!
I pray for the days when I don't feel like this......


  1. I think you're HOT!!! And I think that you are truly amazing! I don't know that you give yourself enough credit for how amazing you really are, you get up everyday, you suck it up, you are a fantastic mom, you are a fabulous baker...just to name a few. A person would never know that you have liver disease! You should be proud of yourself! XOCO.

  2. Wow...okay, how much wine have you had to drink?!!
    lol...seriously, thank you though.
    Your sweet and brutally honest so I know it comes from your heart! love you:)
